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Of Holding On And Letting Go

I oktober har vi gleden av å presentere de to fotografene Colin Lindeberget Wright og Silvia De Giorgi sine prosjekter i en felles utstilling ved CYAN galleri.
Hver for seg har de laget fotografier som reflekterer rundt deres forhold til døden og det å minnes de man har mistet som har stått en nær.

I sin serie “Memory Matter(s): Tell-Tale Objects” har De Giorgi fotografert objekter fra sine avdøde besteforeldres hus. Ved å lage bildene med en scanner i stedet for et kamera løftes motivene til å bli sett som relikvier eller arkeologiske artifakter. Bildene blir til et visuelt arkiv som kobler de individuelle tingenes historie til personlige minner og fotografens familiebakgrunn.

Wright har i sitt prosjekt “Thanatophobia” utforsket sin personlig dødsangst og frykten for å miste noen som står ham nær. Gjennom å fotografere og binde fast sine følelser for andre på et visuelt vis diskuterer han sitt eget forhold til familieliv, nostalgi og opplevelsen av eksistensiell tilstedeværelse.

Colin Lindeberget Wright (f. 1995) - «Thanatophobia”
Ever since I was little I have always been scared. Afraid that something wrong would happen to me. Afraid that someone I love will be gone. Afraid I would be left alone. Afraid of having to live without parents. Afraid of change.

I remember when I was little, my Mom and Dad had a massive mirror in the ceiling in their bedroom. It was very heavy and just fastened with glue. They got it when I was ten years old. Every night I was afraid to go down in the morning to find my parents dead with the mirror over them. During my childhood, I had many such thoughts. These dark thoughts have followed me, even into the present. Pessimistic.

2018-2019, things started to go in the wrong direction. Both Mom and Dad ended up in the hospital several times. Sometimes for accidents and injuries, others for surgery and illness. I lost the rest of my grandparents, who now make my parents the oldest generation in my family. I began to develop a stronger anxiety about losing them. I felt that someone was playing with my feelings and that it was just a matter of time.

I started this project as a therapy method. I wanted to get my emotions out of my head and into something physical. Something direct. In a way, I feel like I dont have much time. Memories disappear with time, but photographs live forever. My parents will not be gone. They will live forever.

Colin Lindeberget Wright har studert ved Bilder Nordic School of Photography i Oslo og vært assistent for fotografene Dag Alveng og Marie Sjøvold.

Silvia De Giorgi (f. 1992) - «Memory Matter(s): Tell-Tale Objects»
Memory Matter(s) emerged from a wish to preserve the memories and family histories related to my grandparents and the house they inhabited. Memory and loss are explored in this project through a selection of family heirlooms photographed with the use of a flat-bed scanner. Everyday tools, memorabilia, and traditional objects serve as connecting points between family life, biographic events, local customs, and beliefs.

Some objects hold unique and symbolic meanings, such as my grandmother’s thimble, perforated in many places due to its intensive usage, and the metal spoon my grandfather brought back from his imprisonment in Dachau concentration camp, in 1945. Tufts of hair belonging to my mother and grandmother relate to the traditional folk costume worn by the women of our home valley in Northern Italy. The images are marked by dust, scratches on the glass surface of the scanner, and occasional distortions in the background caused by the filtering light. These irregularities encase the objects in a layer of time, reactivating their past histories and records of usage.

Silvia De Giorgi er fra Italia men bor i Norge og har en MA i Visual Arts fra Wimbledon College of Arts i London. Hun har blitt tildelt flere internasjonale priser, bl.a. Lens Culture Emerging Talent Awards og Feature Shoot Emerging Talent Awards i 2019.

Vernissage 22/10 kl 18:00-23:00
Åpent 23-24/10-kl 12:00-18:00
Kunstnersamtale 24/10 kl 17-18
Månedens CYAN brygg: Hopeful Existence IPA - en oppløftende fruktig og frisk IPA med lime og mandarin - glutenfri!


Earlier Event: October 11
Mørkeromsintro 101